
2024-09-25 01:19:17 包装印刷小知识

该航空公司表示,希望“减轻的重量”最终将导致下个月的碳排放量减少五吨。居然问哪三个字的都有,真的都是些大神。  国泰民安安居乐业业精于勤勤俭节约勤能补拙约定成俗拙口笨腮俗不可耐俗不可耐耐人寻味耐人寻味耐人寻味味同嚼蜡蜡炬成灰灰头土脸灰飞烟灭腮若碧桃 come on。"生活那点事说说"。"。"《the winner takes it all》  歌手:ABBA  专辑:《gold greatest hits》  I don't wanna talk  About the things we've gone through  Though it's hurting me  Now it's history  I've played all my cards  And that's what you've done too  Nothing more to say  No more ace to play  The winner takes it all  The loser standing small  Beside the victory  That's her destiny  I was in your arms  Thinking I belonged there  I figured it made sense  Building me a fence  Building me a home  Thinking I'd be strong there  But I was a fool  Playing by the rules  The gods may throw a dice  Their minds as cold as ice  And someone way down here  Loses someone dear  The winner takes it all  The loser has to fall  It's simple and it's plain  Why should I complain  But tell me does she kiss  Like I used to kiss you?  Does it feel the same  When she calls your name?  Somewhere deep inside  You must know I miss you  But what can I say  Rules must be obeyed  The judges will decide  The likes of me abide  Spectators of the show  Always staying low  The game is on again  A lover or a friend  A big thing or a small  The winner takes it all  I don't wanna talk  If it makes you feel sad  And I understand  You've come to shake my hand  I apologize  If it makes you feel bad  Seeing me so tense  No self-confidence  But you see  The winner takes it all  The winner takes it all"。 我强迫我的一个不喜欢动画电影的朋友看这部电影,他绝对喜欢它。几个角色选择是愚蠢的。

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