
2024-11-12 08:19:03 日语培训技巧心得

  Dear God-Tomi Tolkki  Why is the sky so blue?  Why are the trees so green?  Why clouds exist?  Where did all this come from?  The nature, planets, universe  It makes me wonder  The things that I see and feel are they real?  It's so hard for me to comprehend what life is all about  In the middle of the chaos where's the truth?  Tell that to me dear god  Am I just your puppet or  Do I have a will of my own?  I'm asking now  And tell me why a four year old dies in cancer?  Please explain that to me  What's the reason for all this suffering?  Did you just fuck things up  Or are you there at all?  Why would we need you anyway?  Tell that to me dear god。还有无限量的MASALA茶,熬的非常香甜。BA 将运营波音 787-800 梦想客机以及现有的每周 14 架 A380 服务"。 "我不会重复使它成为杰作的明显陈词滥调,比如惊人的表演、摄影、故事情节,所以我只会坚持是什么让它成为我的杰作。"《最后的武士》勉强超过加勒比海盗,成为2003年最佳电影。