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DAN 是一个致力于潜水员健康和安全的潜水安全组织,而 PADI 是世界上最大的海洋探索和潜水组织,在 186 个国家和地区开展业务。 * Are you looking for challenges? * Are you interested in development? * Do you want to gather experiences? * Do you want to work together with people from many countries? 11 months volunteer program * Intensive training * Actions in a our development project * Work with: Education, Child Aid, Community development, HIV/AIDS prevention New teams starting: January, May 2005 Come to China! Yunnan Institute of Development, DRH China Tel: (+86)(877)2059695, Fax: (+86)(877)2059359 www。 后面再多的不敢说。我们需要预先收取现金,一旦完成,就可以进行一系列活动,以确保旅行成功。