
2024-09-29 18:26:52 仪器机械小知识

    MEMORY    Midnight, not a sound from the pavement  Has the moon lost her memory?  She is smiling alone  In the the lamp light the withered leaves collect at my feet  And the wind begins to moan  Memory,all alone in the moonlight  I can smile at the old days  I was beautiful then  I remember the time I knew what happiness was  Let the memory live again    Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning  someone mutters and a street lamp gutters  and soon it will be morning  Day light, I must wait for the sunrise  I must think of a new life  and I mustn’t give in  when the dawn comes tonight will be a memory too  and a new day will begin    临晨三点:  梦中,决定了去墨脱,然而找不到同行的人。2020没回去,2021年估计也走不开了,只能等娃明年高考结束回去看他了。"新人报道,听说体天涯论坛是个有爱的大家庭"。。"津巴布韦航空公司宣布计划开始在哈拉雷和哈博罗内以及其他计划目的地之间飞行。



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