
2024-11-09 00:05:55 农业机械经验分享

"来自母亲的溺爱是幸运还是悲哀。     岁月——峻之摄影  丁酉正月初五团拜"。  我们在这里住了两天,连一个遛狗的都没见过,宠物店就更没见过,城里头的人看着我们拉着狗无所事事的样子都觉得很奇怪。  they also have these spicy fellas if you are feeling daring - I like the picked green chilies  Calling your establishment ""boat noodles"" is very common in Thailand and this particular place was called Buak Hard Boat Noodles or ""Gwai Dio Rua Buak Haard"" (good luck with that)  This particular place was a tremendous value at 50B including a bottle of water and can be found here just don't expect it to be terribly evident and it may take a bit of searching。

