
2024-11-09 03:06:37 通讯百科攻略

co。 SIDE EFFECTS  (1) the metabolites of metronidazole may cause urine to turn dark or red-brown color  (2)superinfections may occur, they should observe for furry overgrowth on tongue, vaginal itching and loose stools  (3) alchohol is contraindicated during the course of metronidazole, due to the likelihood of nausea and vomiting  (4) metallic taste in mouth may occur"。18219670712 谢谢大家转帐给支付宝输入对方手机号码就可以,根本又用输名字。在新的结构下,三类成员将减为两类:成员国和准成员。8公里,自行车50公里和跑步12公里,首届“25 For 25冲刺”包括游泳0。
